Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The work is just never ending!

I thought I would just do a little update on how things are going with this mountain of work! I also want to show you some designs I have been working on. I have gone into overdrive today been out around near my mothers house and discovered a fabric warehouse shop which is amazing. It has almost every fabric under the sun... and almost is the word that I've used here due to the fact it didn't have any silk twill, the one fabric I need the most, but it's still a great shop regardless :). I have also been Koda tracing like mad today! I love getting loads done in one day, it makes you feel completely shattered by the end, but it also gives you that feeling of accomplishment. :)
So anyway here's some designs I have been working on, in Photoshop of course. My aim is to create some very complex stunning designs for my final six.

 I am still unsure about these and I feel they need a bit of work still. I would love some feed back...

Sunday, 10 April 2011

10/16 digital prints

So here is what I waited 5 hours collectively to be printed out and... well yes it was all worth it!
Right now I am just really eager to screen print onto them but I can't, due to it being the Easter holidays which is very annoying, nevertheless it does give me a nice two week break here in my home town of Newcastle and with the sun shining there's no place I would rather be. When these weeks are over however I just know it's going to be mayhem at college. Although being back in the print rooms and getting all messy is something that I have greatly missed. Enjoy. :)

Guess I should get on with these koda traces then.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Digital printing!!

This week, I have got the majority of my digital prints done. I have 10 finals printed now so only 6 to go! It's very exciting. I will be doing my koda traces for the majority of my designs over Easter all ready to be put onto screens. I would have liked to have started earlier but Photoshop has been a nightmare, suppose it will all be worth it in the end. :)

These are some of my wonderful designs being printed out, it took just over 3 hours! I had to just sit there and watch them incase they didn't print out properly or it jammed up. I think I got hyponotised by the printer going back and forth haha.

This is just a preview of some of my favourite designs so far....