Sunday, 31 July 2011

Right! I'm back!

Not that I have been anywhere really but.. I have finally got my self motivated and I've been drawing!! I'm doing 2 mini on going projects based around trends that I acquired from WGSN before I left college, it is all very exciting! Speaking of exciting I'm going to London near the end August for my 1st of 3 placements. I can't wait! It's taking all my money away but that's just life and it's going to be so worth it. Sooo..

This is a little preview of my inspiration for project one! It's all very digital of course as it is me, but I'm just seeing where it's taking me! ..

 Women's S/S 12: Jpeg Gen (with big bloom floral)

Inspired by pattern simplicity with a subtle mismatched disorder:

- Mood
Copyright of WGSN for research use only

- Print example
Copyright of WGSN
research use only

Very inspirational, like the various layer of this registered print example.

- Big floral

Courtesy of Print source blog (Bernini studio Italy left, Dena Verdesca right)
research use only
Market research Thakoon, Addition, Stella McCartney, Givenchy
(Printsource image)
 Coming soon drawing and development! stay tuned.

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